Ensure multiple employees are responsible for exergaming to ensure successful implementation of this technology
Exergaming in day care centres can be implemented more successfully by making more than one employee responsible for it.
Explanation and examples
We have asked day-care centres for people living with dementia, which factors were important for successful implementation of Exergaming. Sometimes, only one person in the day-care centre was responsible for the Exergaming activity. If this person was not at the day-care centre, because he/she was ill or left for another job, the Exergaming activity often was forgotten.
Exergaming Implementation Staff
Target groups
Day-care centre volunteers, employees & managers Industry evaluating implementation of technology Management of care organizations Professional carers, clinicians Researchers evaluating technology useType of evidence
Joeke van der Molen (INDUCT ESR7)
Preliminary results of the process analysis
Joeke van Santen, Rose-Marie Dröes, Marian Schoone, Olivier A. Blanson Henkemans, Judith E. Bosmans, Sjef van Bommel, Esther Hakvoort, Ronald Valk, Carla Scholten, Joris Wiersinga, Marjolein Smit, Franka Meiland (2019). FACTSHEET Exergaming for people living with dementia: can you move along? Recommendations to promote successful implementation [in Dutch: FACTSHEET Exergaming voor mensen met dementie: beweeg je mee? Adviezen ter bevordering van succesvolle implementatie].
Van Santen J., Dröes, R.M., Blanson Henkemans, O.A., Schoone,, M., van Straten, A., Valk. R., Meiland F.J. A mixed-methods study into the implementation of exergaming for people living with dementia who attend day-care centres. (Submitted)